23 December 2020
Design to Innovate with DET
carien brown

Last week, our team travelled to Bendigo Tech School who hosted the pilot of the much-anticipated Design to Innovate Professional Learning series, due to launch Victoria wide in 2021. The program is a result of collaboration between the Tech Schools, Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership, international design thinking experts and The Department of Education and Training. The success of the pilot is a testament to the hard work, skills and expertise of our facilitators.

The program aims to introduce middle leaders and classroom teachers to Design Thinking through a practical and creative three-day workshop, and support them to become more confident in integrating design thinking in their practice. Participants will learn how to use design thinking to enhance student-lead learning, build creativity, critical thinking and collaboration, and to facilitate cultural change in schools.

Over two days, we tested the program prototype with Tech School and DET staff and will be iterating it over the coming weeks based on user experience feedback. Feedback has been invaluable to its development and is a fundamental element of the design thinking process that the program advocates.

STEM Educator

Design to Innovate