A technology club for children with autism aged 10 to 18. Participants are paired with mentors who have technical expertise of mutual interest such as programming, 3D and digital design, and gaming.
Age Range
Year 7 – 12
Terms 1 – 4
20 participants
$80 per term
More Information:
If you would like more information about this program, drop us a line at:
9269 1057
Duration: 3:45pm – 5:45pm
Days: Wednesdays, during school term
Register: thelab.org.au
The Lab is a growing network of not for profit technology clubs for children and young people who identify as being on the autism spectrum and who enjoy working with computers. The Lab offers mentoring by technology professionals in areas such as programming, 3D, digital design and social gaming. Lab sessions focus on social engagement rather than a formal training structure.
The Lab Greensborough is currently experiencing high levels of interest. Registrations are currently at capacity and a wait list is in place. A team member will be in contact when registration through The Lab website is complete.