Photo showing the building exterior

It’s been a busy month at the Tech School, with Student Ambassadors, NCAT and Bundoora Secondary College students participating in hands on practical experiences with our team of experts. We were also visited by Grade 3 students from Apollo Parkways Primary School, who were learning about their local community. We got to showcase the Tech School and our amazing range of technology. We have welcomed industry mentors from North East Link Project who have delivered a careers talk during our Tech Taster Day, and provided students with feedback on their prototypes during the Future Transport program. We have run a number of professional learning sessions and workshops for teachers – keep an eye out for communications regarding Teacher PL during Term 2.

We are excited to announce that we have been working on developing a Spatial Data Science and Drone Masterclass with our industry partner Repurpose It, who use drones to monitor their daily operations. Watch this space; we will be piloting the program later on in the year with interested teachers and students. You’ll have an opportunity to be a part of it.

We still have program places available for Term 2 – Future Transport Inquiry, Biodiverse City Inquiry, AutoCrops Design Challenge, Staying Steady Design Challenge, Intro to Entrepreneurship Program and our one-day Tech Taster program, aligned to Health and Social Assistance industry focus of our campus and the Science curriculum.

Contact us via email or book a consultation with one of our staff using the button below.

Have a fabulous Easter and a restful break. See you in term 2.

Acting Director Banyule Nillumbik Tech School